How Maple's Export to LATEX Works

The content of the original Maple worksheet is a sequence of regions. These are either plain text regions, Maple input regions, Maple tty based output (such as error messages) or the typeset mathematical output.

In addition, each platform dependent user interface permits the embedding of native graphics format files in the worksheet. These graphics may be generated by Maple, or by another application.

When a Maple worksheet is ``exported to LATEX'', the text based regions, and the typeset mathematics are exported. All the embedded graphics regions of the worksheet are ignored. PostScript graphics can be included directly into your document by hand editing the resulting file to include references to plot files using the LATEX macro \mapleplot{} that is provided with these styles.

To create a LATEX version of your Maple worksheet proceed as follows:

  1. Open the worksheet from within Maple and ensure that all the Maple results are up-to-date. If your worksheet is designed to execute the Maple commands in sequence top to bottom you can refresh your worksheet by selecting the Execute All option. (On the Macintosh version of Maple, simply select the entire worksheet and press enter.)

  2. If your worksheet contains plot commands then re-executing the entire worksheet will regenerate those plots in separate windows. You can use the plotsetup command to cause those plot commands to generate plots to specific files. Alternatively, in Windows or with the Motif interface, they can be saved from the plot windows in PostScript to files of your choice.

  3. To add these plots to your LATEX document, use a plain text editor to insert appropriate commands of the form


    where is the user chosen name of the plot file. Typically, such commands are added immediately following the corresponding plot commands.

  4. Use a plain text editor to elaborate on the annotations that are part of your document. For example, a new section heading ``An Example'' can be added directly to the worksheet simply by inserting a LATEX command line of the form

    \section{An Example}

    directly into the exported document.

  5. Process your LATEX document with LATEX.